+54 9 353 510-0572 training@autex-open.com

There are a lot more than ten resources for PROFINET, but here is a selection to provide a good starting point.

1. Marketing Flyer: PROFINET

A brief, high-level overview of PROFINET.  Topics such as Diagnostics, Safety, and Performance are briefly introduced.

2. System Description: PROFINET Technology and Application

Twenty pages of detailed introduction to PROFINET: models and engineering, basic functions, optional functions, legacy fieldbus integration, topologies, product development (for automation device makers), and the PI organization. An excellent resource, it starts at a basic level and quickly delves into important details of the technology.


An ever-increasing number of minute-long videos introducing PROFINET from the foundation to the esoteric. Start with the oldest one, “What is PROFINET?”, and work your way through time and detail. Chronological playlist here

4. Whitepapers

You can find more detail in our series of whitepapers, including “Time to migrate to Industrial Ethernet” and the very-popular “The 7 Step Industrial Ethernet Checklist.”  Need to understand which switch for PROFINET?  We have a whitepaper for that too.

5. Guidelines

When you are ready to start that PROFINET automation project, you will find guidelines offering detailed assistance.  There are about 500 pages of documentation here. Not all of it will apply to your project, but it would behoove you to explore the detail for the parts that are:

Planning: PROFINET Design Guideline.

This 192-page guideline covers plant design, topology, selection of components, selection of transmission medium, selection of connectors, communication relations, and estimate of data volumes to be transmitted.  Also included is the PROFINET Load Calculation Tool.

Security: PROFINET Security Guideline.

The security guideline reflects the latest methodologies for creating a secure network.

Installation: PROFINET Guideline for Cabling and Assembly.

Routing cables, installing connectors, using fiber optic cable, grounding, and more are covered.

Commissioning: PROFINET Guideline for Commissioning.

This includes a thorough checklist you can “check off” as you commission your project. Detailed instructions are in the guideline.

6. Webinars

A suggested sequence:

  1. An Introduction to Ethernet for Control Engineers
  2. An Introduction to PROFINET – Starting with “What is PROFINET?”, this webinar explains how PROFINET achieves determinism, how to use it for factory, process, and drive applications, and lists other features.
  3. And for a project-oriented approach: Completing a PROFINET Project
  4. There are many others for at the dedicated webinar page here; we especially recommend Diagnostics for PROFINET and Industrial Ethernet
7. Free one-day training class.

There is no substitute for in-person instruction. So if you are lucky enough to live in a city on our schedule, please register online. Similar classes are available worldwide.

8. Certified Network Engineer class.

There is no substitute for in-person instruction plus hands-on training. We offer fee-based, week-long PROFINET Certified Network Engineer classes in Johnson City, TN and other cities.  This comprehensive class will get you ‘into the bits and bytes’ of PROFINET.  We are sometimes able to offer these at a user site if the number of students warrants. These classes are also offered around the globe.


You are here now and there is no substitute for subscribing to stay up-to-date on new tech tips, new products, new classes, and news. The one substitute is the PROFNEWS App for iOS and Android.

10. Social Media

There is so much social media, is has its own article in this issue.